
Emily Patrick (1959)

Emily Patrick naît en 1959 en Angleterre. Elle grandit dans une ferme du Kent avant de partir étudier l'architecture à l'Université de Cambridge. Elle n'a pas eu à proprement parler de formation artistique, cest donc une artiste autodidacte. Sa carrière de peintre démarre en 1986 quand a lieu sa 1ère exposition. En 1987 le Royal Hampshire Régiment lui commande le portrait de la Princesse Diana. Elle expose beaucoup à Londres et à New-York. Voir son site ici.

Emma Hope (1984), Emily Patrick

Elbows on Table (2007), Emily Patrick

Drawing Beside a Window (1996), Emily Patrick

Washing Line and Figure (1998), Emily Patrick

Mother with a Red Hat (1991), Emily Patrick

Mother and Child Against Blue (1988), Emily Patrick

Judit and Emese aka Hungarian Mother (1990), Emily Patrick

2 commentaires:

  1. I love this blog! I thought I was the only non-English person to be a fan of this artist, but I see I was wrong. I like these EP images you have chosen, half of which I had never seen before. You are amazing!

    1. Dear Nancy Bea,
      thank you for your enthusiasm, it goes straight to my heart.
      would you like me to write an article about you? In this case I would need a short biography and your date of birth. I love what you do.
      Good evening.
